Progress on our new school continues, with contractors working 7 days/week to have our new school completed in time for our February move. Your student may have mentioned that some things are already disappearing from 826 High Street such as signs, historic wall hangings, some large equipment in our vocational programs, etc. This preliminary work will continue through the next two months, as we hold school in our old home. Teachers will begin to pack-up their unneeded equipment in January and February, with a final move happening during and around February vacation. There are some important dates that will affect school that I would like for families to put on their calendars now:
Wednesday, 1/27/21: All extra help sessions will not occur on this day. Morse Staff will be packing classroom supplies and training on new equipment.
Friday, 2/12/21 (Friday before February vacation): At-home learning day for all students with assignments posted on Brightspace. Morse staff will complete packing in preparation for the move over February vacation.
Monday, 2/22/21 - Wednesday, 2/24/21 (Monday Tuesday, & Wednesday following February vacation): At-home learning day for all students with assignments posted on Brightspace. Morse staff will unpack their supplies and complete training in order to be ready to welcome students to our new home.