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Madison Burch
Gifted & Talented Teacher
Phippsburg Elementary School
(207) 389-1514
Mycah Crowley
Ed Tech / PK & Special Ed
Tammy Doran
Phippsburg Elementary School
Nicole Estes
Food Service Assistant
(207) 389-1514
Sandra Gorsuch-Plummer
Phippsburg Elementary School
Nick Green
Phippsburg Elementary School
(207) 389-1514
Amy Henderson
Grade 3 Teacher
Natalie Hutchinson
Grade 1 Teacher
(207) 389-1514
Faye Larrabee
Food Service Assistant
(207) 389-1514
Theresa McCartney
Social Worker
Phippsburg Elementary School
Christel Michaud
Band Teacher
(207) 389-1514
Erika Phippen
Grade 4 Teacher
(207) 389-1514
Rosemary Polizotto
Art Teacher/Library Ed Tech
Phippsburg Elementary School
Celina Reed
Music Teacher
Phippsburg Elementary School
Melissa Smith
Special Education Teacher
Phippsburg Elementary School
Amber Snell
Grade 5 Teacher
Phippsburg Elementary School
Brandi Tainter
Phippsburg Elementary School
Donna Tardif
Grade K Teacher
Phippsburg Elementary School
Anna Varian
Phippsburg Elementary School
Sarah Williams
Grade 2 Teacher
Phippsburg Elementary School