October 7, 2021
The Woolwich Way
Respect . Responsibility . Honesty . Compassion . Courtesy . Quality
IMPORTANT UPCOMING EVENTS 10/8 - PD Day - NO SCHOOL 10/11 - Indigenous Peoples’ Day - NO SCHOOL 10/25 - Picture Retake Day 11/1 & 11/2 - WCS Dental Clinic 11/11 - Veterans Day - NO SCHOOL 11/12 - PD Day - NO SCHOOL |
CELEBRATIONS! Great things are happening at WCS! In PE our students are working hard on laps and cardiovascular fitness. Their goal is to earn their first bracelet which is awarded at 1,000 laps for grades 3-5 and 500 laps for grades K-2. The leading class headed into this week was Mrs. Moran’s 5th grade at 471 class laps thus far. The middle school has started earning bracelets for self-improvement in our cardiovascular fitness tests. If students are able to improve their times and give maximum effort they earn a bracelet. It has been great seeing students improve and really take ownership of their fitness. Thank you to our PTA for supporting these bracelets and promoting a reward that is attainable for all of our students. |
We will be having our monthly PTA meeting on October 13th at 6 PM in the school library. Mr. Libby will be joining us to discuss the completion of the outdoor classroom project- we'd love to see you there!
We are so excited to share our new 1st Place Spiritwear store, so everyone can get the Woolwich shirts they've been asking for! It's so easy to order- and items are shipped directly to your house. No more papers or tracking down orders- just a few clicks and you'll be sporting your WCS gear in 2-3 weeks! Items are available in a wide variety of designs, sizes, and styles (including adult sizes)- and would make great holiday gifts!
Woolwich Central spirit wear, Woolwich, ME, Wildcats | 1st Place Spiritwear
With the weather changing every day, please make sure you prepare for the day’s weather conditions with clothing: Light rain, colder temperatures, and warmer temperatures. We will brave the “light rain” as often as possible so students can enjoy recess and outdoor mask breaks. Dressing in layers is a great way to help students adjust and stay prepared for any type of weather!
If you’re interested, CLICK HERE for the link to sign up for pool testing; it is never too late! You will be included in the next round if you sign up by the weekend.
We will NOT be holding a flu clinic on site this year, however, you can get your flu shot by calling your doctor or by going to the drive-through clinics that are being held. CLICK HERE for dates and times where you can get your shot, and CLICK HERE for flu shot guidelines.
~ Nurse Sherwood
We will see you back in school on Tuesday 10/12, enjoy the long weekend!
In accordance with School Board policy, the following promotional announcements have been included at the request of the sponsoring organization because they may be of interest to students and their families. These activities are not sponsored by the school, and inclusion of these announcements does not constitute endorsement of the organizations or activities by the school.
The Bath YMCA will be hosting a FREE Family Fall Harvest Day on Saturday 10/16 from 10am - 2pm. They will have games, a bouncy house, food, and more!
The YMCA Veggie Van will be offering free fruits, veggies, milk, eggs, and other grocery items at West Longley Drive in Woolwich on Wednesdays beginning on 10/6. Please CLICK HERE for more information on this amazing program!
It’s the spookiest time of year! The annual Church of the Midcoast presents their Trick-or-Trunk event which will be held on Saturday, October 30th at 45 Floral Street in Bath, Maine from 5:00 - 7:00pm. Stop by for games, music, treats, and safe Halloween fun for the whole family! Everyone is welcome!!