April 29, 2022
The Woolwich Way
Respect • Responsibility • Honesty • Compassion • Courtesy • Quality
IMPORTANT UPCOMING EVENTS 5/4 - Parent Info Night for Registering Kindergarten Families at WCS 5/5 - CHOICES Parent Night for Registering Pre-K Families at WCS 5/13 - WCS Hat Day - $2 to wear a hat; benefiting Odyssey of the Mind 5/13 - WCS Middle School Dance 5/13 - RSU1 8th Grade Semi-Formal at the Maine Maritime Museum 5/19 & 5/20 - Kindergarten Screening; NO SCHOOL FOR KINDERGARTEN 5/25 - WCS Art Night & Open House 5-6pm 5/25 - 2nd & 4th Grade Recorder Concert 6-7pm 5/30 - Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL 6/17 - Last Day of School! Half Day for Students, Dismissal at 12pm |
CELEBRATIONS! Great things are happening at WCS! RUN CLUB HAS STARTED and students in grades K-5 are LOVING IT! Students are learning stretching techniques and endurance tips as they get ready for their race at the beginning of June. Friday was “Poem in your Pocket” day where students recited poetry by request. It was lovely to hear students of all ages speaking in verse! |
The last day of school will be Friday, 6/17. This will be a half day of instruction for students, with dismissal happening at 12PM. Leading up to the last day of school, we will be ending “Late Start Wednesdays” at the end of May, with the LAST Late Start Wednesday happening on 5/18. Starting 5/25, school will begin at 8:30AM Monday-Friday.
We are having an art show this year!!! YAY!!!
Student art will be up for almost the whole month of May and the building will be open after school on May 25, from 4:00 - 530 pm. Come enjoy seeing our student's artwork, and pick up clay projects at this time so they get home safely! Students must have an adult with them.
Fourth and fifth-grade students from the gifted and talented program joined together again at BMS on Wednesday, April 27th, for an engaging day of learning about sight, hearing, and the brain. To aid in understanding, students participated in a multitude of optical and auditory illusions, followed by insightful conversations about the differences in perception. Some of you might remember the phenomenon of "The Dress" that went viral in 2015. Was it blue and black, or was it white and gold? Furthermore, how can one person see something completely different than another person? Sometimes the brain has a hard time processing what the eye sees because of color, light, and/or patterns. Our brain is always trying to make sense of the world around us, and sometimes these factors trick our brain into seeing something that may or may not be real. Students also spent time comparing humans' sight and hearing to that of other animals. Did you know that humans who have sight in both eyes can see approximately 180 degrees, while an eagle has a visual field of about 340 degrees and can see about eight times further than we can? We found that to be pretty amazing!
Our final GATE Day for the school year will be held at the end of May with a focus on the sense of touch and memory.
Help the Odyssey of the Mind Team from WCS get to the World Finals in Iowa! On Friday, May 13th donate $2 to wear a hat at school to show your support for the team! 100% of the donations will go directly to pay for the team’s travel to the world finals to represent Maine & WCS. Looking forward to seeing a lot of hats on May 13th to support this hard-working team!
We are hosting an Outdoor Classroom Work Day this Saturday (April 30th) from 9-12. We'd love to see lots of Woolwich families there- please bring work gloves if you have them!
Teacher Appreciation Week: We would like to show our teachers and staff some love for everything they do! Please join us on Thursday, May 5th at 7:20 AM to draw encouraging messages in chalk all around the entrance to the school, then help us cheer for our staff as they come in for work! Signs, pom poms, and noisemakers are all encouraged!
In accordance with School Board policy, the following promotional announcements have been included at the request of the sponsoring organization because they may be of interest to students and their families. These activities are not sponsored by the school, and inclusion of these announcements does not constitute endorsement of the organizations or activities by the school.
CLICK HERE for information about a local program to encourage students to get out and appreciate nature.