Dear Parents/Guardians, In partnership with the LincolnHealth School-Based Health Centers, Influenza vaccinations will be offered to Bath Middle School students on October 24th, 8:00-11:00 AM For those who would like to receive the Influenza vaccine, we must have the permission slip returned to the School Nurse as soon as possible. Please read the vaccination information sheets at Please complete the attached Health Screen & Permission Form and return it to the school as soon as possible. This form has been sent home with your student as well. This form must be filled out completely or we will be unable to give your student the immunization at school. The flu vaccine itself is offered at no charge to students under 18. There may be a small administration fee charged to your insurance. A personal charge may be incurred if not covered by insurance. This will be the only day flu shots are offered at Bath Middle School. For information about flu and the vaccine go to, or For questions about the flu vaccine, call the Maine Center for Disease Control & Prevention (Maine CDC) at 1-800-867-4775, Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. For questions about the vaccine clinics at our school, please call the School-Based Health Center at 207-633-1934 or email
5 months ago, Debra MacPhee
We had a handful of students and families catch yesterday's solar eclipse out back in our recess area. A special thanks to Mr. Wright who took cardboard boxes and made pinhole cameras to use!
over 1 year ago, Paige Gallagher
This October, our character building theme is PERSEVERANCE. While our monthly themes may have prizes and challenges; our overall goal and aligned CREW lesson are to help students recognize and highlight the acts and things they are doing already everyday to demonstrate these character traits. In CREW, students brainstorm and share examples of these characteristics while reflecting on how they are showing them as individuals to support themselves and others in our community. Pictured below are students on FLOW one early morning last week. This is a perfect example of perseverance; on a foggy day paddling through whatever the day brings. No matter the challenge, we know our students show perseverance everyday and we couldn't be prouder of them for that. We can't wait to celebrate those moments more this month! Tomorrow, we are excited for our Perseverance Play-Off competitions by grade level assemblies!
over 1 year ago, Paige Gallagher
Talk about the best way to start a Friday on the first week back to school...this morning we 'clapped in' our 6th grade students to welcome them to BMS! A tradition where 7th and 8th grade students and staff line the perimeter of the school while 6th grade walks a lap of the school as we cheer loud with a warm welcome! A special thanks to our 8th graders who were outside bright and early this morning to write the names of every new students and greeting messages on our sidewalks and recess area. This was our first of many special school community celebrations of the year!
over 1 year ago, Paige Gallagher
clap in
clap in
Save the date and join us on August 31st between 2-3pm for an ice cream treat and for students to see their homeroom classroom!
over 1 year ago, Paige Gallagher
BMS Ice Cream Social
Great news! The 2022-2023 yearbooks are in! Pre-ordered books can be picked up on Tuesday, July 25th at McMann Field from 5:30-6:30 PM!
over 1 year ago, Debra MacPhee
That's a wrap! When you start 6th grade at BMS, we have a 'clap-in' to welcome students to our community. On the last day of school, we 'clap out' the 8th graders. Around our school sidewalks, you will see the names of 117 8th graders who are heading off to high school. Our 6th and 7th graders lined the outside of the building; we cheered loud, danced to music and gave many high fives to send them off!
over 1 year ago, Paige Gallagher
clap out
clap out
clap out
clap out
An end of the year tradition is our annual BMS field shot with our student body! 6th graders form the 'B', 7th takes the 'M' and 8th graders create the 'S'. We are grateful for every member of our BMS community!
over 1 year ago, Paige Gallagher
We recognized over 200 students last night on McMann Field for their academic achievement this school year. The sunny skies, bleachers filled with families while proud BMS staff and cheerful students filled the field to celebrate their excellence, we couldn't have asked for a better night! Kudos to all our students who received awards and thank you to all that attended last to celebrate!
over 1 year ago, Paige Gallagher
FIELD DAY 2023 SUCCESS! We kicked off field day with a full school pep rally and challenges before heading to the fields for grade level activities for field day. Not to mention an amazing Taylor Swift song performance by 8th graders; Maisie Mains and Gracious Emery to kick off the pep rally. Lots of smiles and fun today! A shout-out to Ms. Gail and Mr. Bennoch for all their efforts to organize today's events.
over 1 year ago, Paige Gallagher
FD 2
Last week, we honored our student-athletes at our Spring Sports Awards Night. We also introduced our Scholar-Athlete of the Year Award which recognizes an 8th grade student who shows outstanding commitment and achievement in academics and athletics. The selected student-athlete demonstrates leadership both in the classroom and as a teammate. This year's recipient was a member of our boys' soccer, basketball and baseball teams while being a dedicated 8th grade student in the Seguin House. Our BMS Athletic Director, Mr. Brawn presented the Inaugural Scholar-Athlete of the Year Award to Oscar Gallant. Congratulations, Oscar! Speaking of awards, our Academic Awards Night is tomorrow (Wednesday 6/21) at 6pm at McMann Field. Students who are receiving an award should have received an invitation in the mail.
over 1 year ago, Paige Gallagher
Our 8th graders had so much to celebrate this week. They did an outstanding job at passages reflecting and sharing their future goals as they look towards high school in a few months! Thank you to all the community members and families who made time this week to join our students in their passage presentations. 8th Grade Seguin House also kept busy and packed the cafeteria for their Sustainable Energy Debate on Wednesday! Students debated and highlighted their findings to support their chosen energy sources. Kudos to all our 8th graders on their hard work - we have some fun stuff planned next week to celebrate your final week as middle school students!
almost 2 years ago, Paige Gallagher
We kicked off our day with our all school CREW led by our 6th grade. We have 3 of these each year, each led by a grade level of students. Today, 6th grade led the school through CREW activities of sharing about their expedition work, shout-outs to students, a fun game of beach ball hacky sack amongst CREW classes. Lastly, we then got to see our BMS Rock Band rock the stage - they are definitely a crowd favorite!
almost 2 years ago, Paige Gallagher
rock band
all school crew
Today was the last day of Connections class of the year. Ms. Gail's Snack Attack Connections class took a field trip to The Fountain Ice Cream & Deli. They have been making weekly snacks in school but walking downtown into our community for some tasty treats seemed like a great way to wrap up the year! It is safe to say that adding Connections classes has been a big hit this year for students and staff!
almost 2 years ago, Paige Gallagher
Ice Cream
In June, we are wrapping up the year with the focus and theme on COMMUNITY. Last week, students reflected, discussed and shared how they show all the characteristics we have celebrated this school year and see every day in our community. Outside of every classroom, each CREW class posted the ways they have demonstrated this in our school community and beyond. They are simple and important reminders sprinkled through our hallways, here are just a few!
almost 2 years ago, Paige Gallagher
We welcomed our former BMS students and Morse High School Class of 2023 graduates back into the hallways of their middle school to celebrate them in their graduation parade this afternoon! It was a special moment to see our current students look up to graduating seniors whether they knew them, were hugging their siblings or simply amazed by the wave of blue and white cap and gowns! Not to mention BMS teachers who were excited to see the smiling faces of their former students. It was another reminder of the wonderful COMMUNITY we have, this is definitely one of our favorite traditions! To the Class of 2023, Congratulations! We are so proud of you and all your accomplishments!
almost 2 years ago, Paige Gallagher
Morse Grad Parade
Did you know we have had monthly character building themes? This year, we have focused on characteristics that we see in our students everyday. We kicked off each month with a CREW activity that highlights these traits with discussions, challenges and activities aligned. Throughout the month, we would focus on catching students in the act of demonstrating these characteristics and trying a little extra to highlight them in our day to day here at BMS. We are wrapping up the year focusing on COMMUNITY! We have one final activity planned for tomorrow's CREW. The month of June is filled with so much to celebrate in our BMS community with end of year tradition and celebrations - stay tuned for more BMS COMMUNITY activities as we wrap up this school year!
almost 2 years ago, Paige Gallagher
BMS Builds Character
We are SO PROUD of our 8th grade Acadia House students who put on four amazing showings of The Princess Bride last Friday and Saturday! From our writers, directors, back stage, set design and actors - we are speechless and in awe of your hard work, teamwork and the courage you showed to put on such a great production. Thank you to all the community members who donated supplies to help with the set design and costumes, your thoughtful donations helped our students' vision become a reality. Hats off also to Mrs. Pomerleau & the Acadia teaching staff for their support and providing their 8th grade students with such a memorable learning experience!
almost 2 years ago, Paige Gallagher
Our 8th graders had such a great day on our walking field trip to Morse High School for Step Up Day! From being greeted by the Rock Band, to school tours, lunch and seeing all the clubs and sports Morse has to offer, it was awesome! We had a lot of excited students when we got back to BMS this afternoon! Thank you, Morse students and staff for such a great day and warm welcome!
almost 2 years ago, Paige Gallagher
Step Up Day
What an amazing day here at BMS! We are so proud of all our students and their hard work to present and showcase their learning. To our families, community members and friends who visited us today at our Celebration of Learning - thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Paige Gallagher