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Matthew Gordon
7th & 8th Band Instructor
Bath Middle School
(207)443-8270 x406
Mona Gustafson
Ed Tech
Bath Middle School
(207)443-8270 x107
Whitney Hall
Math Teacher
Bath Middle School
(207)443-8270 x209
Michelle Harris
Social Worker
Bath Middle School
(207)443-8270 x413
Leah Heyman
Kennebec House Science Teacher
Bath Middle School
(207)443-8270 x206
Nichole Hinton
Special Education Teacher
Bath Middle School
(207)443-8270 x106
Randy Hixon
Seguin House Math Teacher
Bath Middle School
(207)443-8270 x301
Diana Hixon
Bath Middle School
(207)443-8270 x412
Rick Hogan
Acadia House Math Teacher
Bath Middle School
(207)443-8270 x204
Jackie Johnson
Art Teacher
Bath Middle School
(207)443-8270 x203
Melissa Jones
Reid House ELA Teacher
Bath Middle School
(207)443-8270 x105
Jennifer Jutras
Food Service Assistant
(207)443-8270 x408
Breanne Knights
School Counselor (Popham, Baxter & Kennebec Students)
Bath Middle School
(207)443-8270 x416
Bonnie Loupe
Food Service Assistant
Bath Middle School
(207)443-8270 x408
Brent Luchies
PE Teacher
Bath Middle School
(207)443-8270 x405
Debra MacPhee
Bath Middle School
(207)443-8270 x410
Ryan Mellor
Bath Middle School
(207) 443-8270
Jason Meserve
Acadia House Science Teacher
Bath Middle School
(207)443-8270 x307
Cassandra Mitchell
SSP Teacher
Bath Middle School
Sara Morris
Popham House Math Teacher
Bath Middle School
(207)443-8270 x108