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Paige Gallagher
Dean of Students
Bath Middle School
Rebecca Glennie
STEM Teacher
Bath Middle School
(207) 443-8270 x 212
Mona Gustafson
Ed Tech
Bath Middle School
(207)443-8270 x 107
Whitney Hall
Math Teacher
Bath Middle School
(207)443-8270 x209
Michelle Harris
Social Worker
Bath Middle School
Leah Heyman
Kennebec House Science Teacher
Bath Middle School
Nichole Hinton
Special Education Teacher
Bath Middle School
(207)443-8270 x101
Diana Hixon
Bath Middle School
Randy Hixon
Seguin House Math Teacher
Bath Middle School
Rick Hogan
Acadia House Math Teacher
Bath Middle School
(207)443-8270x 204
Jackie Johnson
Art Teacher
Bath Middle School
Melissa Jones
Reid House ELA Teacher
Bath Middle School
Jennifer Jutras
Food Service Assistant
Breanne Knights
School Counselor (Popham, Baxter & Kennebec Students)
Bath Middle School
Bonnie Loupe
Food Service Assistant
Bath Middle School
Brent Luchies
PE Teacher
Bath Middle School
Debra MacPhee
Bath Middle School
Jason Meserve
Acadia House Science Teacher
Bath Middle School
Sara Morris
Popham House Math Teacher
Bath Middle School
Sonja Morrison
Ed Tech
Bath Middle School
(207)443-8270 x 107